…when I read this comment by Ozzie on Hirhurim:
Once went to a housing fair in Israel. Went to a Chareidi booth and I was not wearing a hat or jacket, my wife was in a tichel and denim skirt. We were told immediately that the development was only for chareidim. I pointed out to him that I has studied in Chareidi Yeshivas for 7 years followed by a Chareidi Kollel for 4 years and was teaching at a Chareidi institution. I then went to a Religious Zionist booth. They saw my black velvet yarmulka and told me that the development was only for Dati Leumi. I pointed out that I had served (and was still in Miluim) in the IDF and my wife was in Hebrew University. Neither booth was moved by my “qualifications” but made their “psak” based on the absence of hat or the presence of black. In the immortal words of Martin Luther King (almost) I would say “I dream of a time when my six little children will not be judged by the color of their yarmulka but by the content of their character”.
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